The Marketing Blog

How To: Achieve Your Year-End Targets

Written by Nick Carlson | Thursday, September 14, 2017

As the countdown begins towards year-end, CEOs, Sales Leaders and Financial Directors are in a furious race to ensure that in-year targets are achieved by their sales and marketing teams. There are two key challenges that business leaders are facing to achieve this objective; not enough momentum, and not enough of the right leads.


So, how can this be rectified quickly and cost effectively?


Building Momentum

Planning, developing and executing a strategic marketing campaign often yield successful long-term results, however when a quick turnaround is required then opportunities can be lost.

To counter this, short-term lead generation tactics can be implemented at speed to complement existing marketing activities to drive faster lead generation. Create awareness and interest in your business by focusing activity on targeted keywords and interests.


By utilising existing data and content, get your brand in front of prospects that are actively showing interest in a challenge that your business can resolve with PPC advertising.


More of the Right Leads

Understanding your key personas is one thing; effectively engaging with them is another. You will find greater returns by maximising your marketing content and targeting only those who match your specific criteria with sponsored content and PPC, rather than a scattergun approach.


Once they have engaged with your brand, you can take the opportunity to remain top of mind by deploying a retargeting campaign. Visibility of your brand across the web will help build brand awareness without expensive out of home advertising.


As well as targeted PPC advertising and sponsored content, speak to your prospect directly whether it’s an InMail on LinkedIn or to your existing database. As well as ensuring that they match your persona criteria, agree between sales and marketing how many touch points are required before a sales person contacts them directly.


Contacts in your existing database will have shown a previous interest, so take the opportunity to re-engage and re-ignite curiosity that may have waned over time. Research conducted by the Harvard Business Review showed that enquiries that were followed up within an hour were seven times more likely to become qualified leads.


Get Started

With the correct content and assets, the above can be up and running in as little as three days, giving you and your sales team as much time as possible to close deals before year end.


To find out what you need to get started today, get in touch by completing the form below. One of the Secret Source team will be in touch within one business day!