Not enough sales leads to hit the revenue target?

Increase sales qualified leads by 50% in your software company

Lead generation for software companies can be unpredictable. If you need more leads to feed the sales engine, read on. SaaS products have driven the proliferation of new entrants into the market which means your buyers no longer have a shortlist of providers and instead start their search online for software solutions.

Switching from outbound marketing (emails, cold calling) to inbound, makes it easy for buyers to find you online when they are ready to buy, resulting in 50% more sales ready leads that convert to sale at 30% lower cost. 

Video - Lead Generation for Software Companies - Hubspot

Check if your rivals have shifted to Inbound

Type a keyword phase, or a question you think a buyer might type into a search engine, or problem they want to solve. If your rivals appear, there's a good chance they shifted their marketing strategy to Inbound and are seeing more of the market than you already.

Read on for quick inbound wins you can action today from your existing website.

Make more of the website visitors you already have

Forget getting more traffic into your site (for now), and make more of the traffic you already get. Search engine tools will tell you whether your visitors are the right audience and what they do when they arrive onto the site. You can instantly target the busiest pages and make quick improvements to content, design and layout so the audience gets what they want and can easily make an enquiry.

Target 'purchase ready' buyers with Pay Per Click

Running a targeted PPC campaign can generate quick leads from buyers ready to make a purchase now. Research the keywords your audience use, that your rivals optimise their sites for and set up small adwords groups that target only the keywords that buyers use when intend to make a purchase. With a great advert and dedicated landing page, you can tap into the flow of leads that others in the market are enjoying as we speak.

Do a better job of nurturing buyers than your rivals

Marketing automation is a key component of inbound marketing. Visitors to your site vary from the curious to those deciding whether to buy from you or a competitor. Certain pages and downloadable content on your site is appealing to the latter. Having an email workflow in place that triggers when they engage with this content, with better evidence of your capabilities than your rivals will make a compelling reason for buyers to engage with you first.

If you are a CEO, business owner, or sales director and you need to act now, Secret Source are ex-client side senior marketeers with years of experience in lead generation for software companies. Get in touch for an informal discussion on how to improve the quality and quantity of your sales pipeline.

Written by Nick Carlson