Get To Know Your Customers Day!
The Team at Secret Source Marketing work very closely with customers, helping them build their company. During this time, we naturally get to know our customers pretty well from a business and personal point of view, as we work together. So on #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay we thought we'd ask our customers a really personal question, read on to find out more...
Seeing as most of us have been deskbound over the past 12+ months, we wanted to help understand what is on our customers' desks, with the view into getting a personal insight that might allow us to help them a bit further, over and above our marketing services.
So we asked customers two questions:
1. While working at your desk, what are your creature comforts, or what cannot live without on your desk?
2. What would ideally like to have on your desk that might help you have a better day?
We had some very interesting responses, read below...
People value on their desk
- "I have a photo of my family on my home office desk to remind me why I'm working so hard"
- "I have post-it notes on my desk ready, because in a digital world, I like to have something tacit to put my actions on. I get great satisfaction screwing them up when each task is complete!"
- "I love my posh notepad, I note down all my ideas"
- "A never ending supply of Mini Eggs..."
- "I could not function without my desk fan because I don't have any windows in my office and during the summer it gets very hot."
- "Cup of coffee - because it's essential!"
- "My heater, I could not have survived lockdown without it!"
- "I have a clear quartz crystal on my desk as it inspires the energy and creativity across all of my work"
- "One thing 'under' my desk I love - puppy sleeping on my feet"
- "Rugby Ball - so when I get annoyed, I can fire it against the wall. - and calm"
- "I Have a traditional banker’s lamp made by me on my desk because I always wanted one when I was a child (old soul!) so as soon as I had a nice enough desk I made one."
- "I have a Play-doh heart shaped ‘Biscuit’ on a plastic plate lovingly made by my 5 year as it’s Easter holidays… made me smile all afternoon (even if it's dried out a bit now)"
I would love to have on my desk!
- "New headphones, because I like to listen to music when I'm working"
- "A genie, that I could get to do my financial forecasts!"
- "A stress toy, my one has seen better days :-)"
- "But what I would love on my desk is keys to a Pagani Zonda, because - just look at it! Sensational craftsmanship and styling."
- "Mobile Phone holder, I keep losing my phone!?"
- "A cup of tea to go with the mini eggs please.... 🙂"
- "Flowers, to help brighten up my desk"
- "What I would love to have on my desk is a proper microphone because then I would be recording a podcast and also more audio resources for my membership."
- "One thing on my desk I would love to have - a pair of tickets to an amazing holiday for a change of scenery after months of sitting at the said desk!"
- "A bottle of Highland Park and Monkey Shoulder, to make each day easier."
- "A picture of my daughters! (and a Singer Porsche!)"
- "A winning lottery ticket!"
For one lucky customer we will make their dream come true! Follow our social channels to find out more!
The serious side to #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay is that by truly understanding your customers, prospects and business partners are you able to help them. So take time out of your day and stop to ask your customers how you can truly help them by understanding a bit more about them.
Follow us on our social channels below to find out what happens next!
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