Actionable Insights For Sales & Marketing Professionals

Navigating Mergers & Acquisitions Process

Written by Nick Carlson | Thursday, November 14, 2019

We explore how for investors and advisors making acquisitions, using Natural Language Processing can surface some of what often lies undiscovered.

When navigating effectively, fixing your position involves using multiple points of reference, that helps you to build the most accurate picture of your location and can determine your direction of travel.

In business, data and market intelligence works a lot the same. Companies with the most accurate points of reference are more likely to make a more informed decision about their direction for the business than those without. 

When making an acquisition, a comprehensive due diligence review is undertaken. Information is sourced regarding operational, financial and legal data. Thorough research may also examine the supply chain surrounding the organisations involved.

However, there is another source of information that now needs to be included in the process; deep web and natural language processing. Assessing the health of a brand, product, solution with corporate intelligence other than information presented by the company being acquired, is one way to guard your prospective investment decisions.

Executive boards should now also consider using natural language processing to assess the positive and negative sentiment in the marketplace, both within the surface and deep web areas. Using natural language processing can help in understanding the true health of an organisations’ supply chain; supporting network of suppliers, integrators, service providers, customers, stakeholders and influencers.

By measuring the quality or size of influence a company has to date or indeed what impact it will need to make to successfully reach and compete in the marketplace, Natural Language Processing needs to be a vital step in the acquisition or merger process.

Natural language processing gathers intelligence already available in the public domain regarding topics/subjects and plots them against the competition. Finding out the real challenges of any market and being able to tackle these by providing better solutions and service which will help to build a sustainable future for your potential acquisition.

Any investor or advisor should consider using natural language processing techniques before embarking on their next potential acquisition. To find out more about how this works and the results of its use, then please get in touch for a demonstration.

About Secret Source Marketing – Working in partnership to first understand the mission. We then use AI technology to help provide our clients with information on which to base sound decisions. To discover how Secret Source Marketing can help gather corporate intelligence to further aid your organisation, then please get in touch.