Key benefits of employing contingent marketing talent

With contingent workers (freelancers, independent contractors and consultants) on the rise in many industries, there has been a shift that allows businesses to draft in specialist skills where it would have been otherwise too expensive or unjustifiable to hire a full time employee.

Modern technology means that remote workers are just as productive as on-site staff. The key to a great contingent workforce is communication. You can build a bigger and better marketing team when you can source your talent from across the world, rather than within a 20 mile radius of your office.

A talented team don't need micro managing and are duty bound on results meaning that you're more in control. Most CEOs and business leaders who have trialled this way of working have found it an efficient way of making sure  that everything gets done.

Here are our top ten reasons for employing a contingent marketing team:

  1. Specialist talent
    A talented team at your disposal with all the skills you need: design, digital, content, management etc. Building the right team takes time, matching skills and experience with each other takes judgement, even trial and error. So why not get a team 'out of the box' that already has that track record and can easily work together?
  2. Cost efficiency
    Hiring and remuneration costs as well as on-boarding costs, kit and training are all taken care of.
  3. Economies of scale
    Maximise the network of an outsourced team who have built supplier relationships over the years to allow them to leverage the best prices.
  4. Accountability
    With a specific mission within your business, you can be confident that they will deliver on their promise. If they don't, they know they won't be involved in future projects. 
  5. Scalability
    Expand or reduce the size of your team depending on demand. Many industries work in peaks and troughs - there's no reason why you need to hire employees whose skills won't be utilised for months on end.
  6. Equipment
    As masters of their trade, they will already have the necessary hardware and software required to complete the project they're hired for, keeping your costs down and giving you access to the latest technology.
  7. Training and development
    As experts in their field, they are always refreshing their own knowledge to ensure they are able to offer their clients a unique perspective.
  8. Low risk
    A try before you buy model. Disappointing new hires, or exiting staff can be demotivating to existing team members. By hiring a contingent workforce, permanent staff know their length of service and if they become firm members of the team, you have the option to offer a permanent contract.
  9. Absence
    Contingent workers are paid on delivery of work, so they are less likely to take leave or sick days at the risk of delaying a project. This gives you greater confidence when planning.
  10. An extended team
    Although contingent workers do not form part of your permanent workforce, your regular workers do become part of your team and get invested in your success. This should enable you to call on them for advice and direction in their specialist areas, even if you don't have a project for them at that point.

    Companies who work in this flexible way are benefitting massively whilst effectively growing their businesses. If you want to find out more, get in touch and we'll show you a live team in action! 

Written by Nick Carlson