6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Video

Everyday, YouTube videos generate billions of views of hundreds of millions of hours of footage. This doesn't include videos hosted on other platforms.

With such a large audience, can you afford not to use video in your marketing activities? 

For B2B organisations, it is that much more important to harness the power of video, and here's six reasons why:

1. It's easier to tell a complicated story

Simplify complexity with imagery and movement. Video and animation can get a message and emotion across faster and more effectively that written content can't.

4x as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than reading about it (Animoto, 2015)

2. It will bring a topic to life

Moving images can help you demonstrate your offering better. Moving images can draw attention at exhibitions and events. It can help your company have a face and humanise the message. Whatever you do, be memorable, informative and helpful (see don’t of video).

3. It's easy to consume

Accessible across multiple platforms, video content can be viewed on most mobile devices as well as digital signage and out of home advertising. What's more, video mailers mean they can now be incorporated into traditional direct mail at a reasonable cost.

4. It can be integrated with other activities

Not only can employing multiple tactics help you to get your message across, it can also help it to stick. Your video content can be used as an introduction, or as your coup de grâce. Wherever you decide to use it, think about how it fits into your sales process and how it will appear within your buyer's journey.

5. It's measurable

Video is easy to track response and engagement. Track viewer interaction and conversions such as channel subscription, clicks, shares and like. Understand time spent viewing, repeat viewers and so on.

Companies which use videos in their marketing enjoy 27% higher CTR and 34% higher web conversion rates than those which don’t (Aberdeen Group, 2015).

6. It doesn't have to break the bank

You don't need a Hollywood budget to create a video that works. Through careful planning and analysis, you can identify what video assets will benefit your marketing strategy, and how you can reuse your footage to make the most of your investment.

Top Considerations

When planning your video content, think about the following as they will impact the length, style and tone: 

  1. What's your objective?
    Keep it short and to the point.

  2. Where will it be viewed?
    Think about how this content may be consumed, whether it's on a web browser, mobile phone or tablet.

  3. How will it be used?
    From short commuter consumption on the train, to seminars or a pitch presentation, video can inject life into your offering but make sure it's relevant for the audience and purpose.


Video works alongside your existing marketing tactics to create a new dynamic. Not only can you get your message and intent across to your audience faster, you can reach them on multiple devices. The ability to track and associate engagement means that it is a sustainable channel that you are able to measure and optimise.

It is undeniable that video is a fast growing medium, and it's only going to get bigger. Not sure where to start? Get in touch with the Secret Source today! 

Written by Nick Carlson